New Risk for Trademarks in Canada

A pilot project of the Canadian Trademark Office (CIPO) provides that the Office itself will randomly select certain registrations on a monthly basis to initiate a revocation proceeding for non-use (“Sec. 45”). If the owner [...]

2025-01-07T08:48:34+00:007 January 2025|

New WIPO Design Law Treaty

On November 22, 2024, a WIPO Diplomatic Conference of Member States adopted a new Treaty referred to as “Riyadh Design Law Treaty”. The Treaty aims to make international design procedures more predictable, so that it [...]

2024-12-19T15:31:12+00:0019 December 2024|

EU Design Reform is forthcoming

A legislative revision of EU Designs entered into force on December 8, 2024; EU Member States will have 36 months to transpose it into their national law. This legislative revision includes a recast Directive on [...]

2024-12-19T15:28:14+00:0019 December 2024|

Beware of Russia

Due to the current embargo, many companies have interrupted sales in Russia and, therefore, the use of their brands, whose registrations can risk cancellation for non use, as time passes. There is also an increase [...]

2024-10-18T15:14:55+00:0018 October 2024|

Company names in Saudi Arabia

In this country it has become mandatory to register the company name in the Company Register if you operate in the territory. There are heavy penalties for failure to comply. There are rules for disputes [...]

2024-10-11T15:49:34+00:0011 October 2024|

Brands of national interest

Last July 2024, a decree innovated the legislation regarding these brands and does not refer only to the so-called "Historical Brands" registered in the specific Register but to all Italian brands of particular national interest [...]

2024-09-23T16:31:56+00:0023 September 2024|


From June 2023 to July 2024, more than 30,000 European patents with unitary effect were granted by the European Patent Office (EPO). There were more than 1,700 applications from Italy, representing more than 5% of [...]

2024-08-26T09:18:38+00:0026 August 2024|

Bad performance.

In 2018, the Danish Jagger fastfood tried to register its name as a Community trade mark (Eutm), for restaurant services. However, it was opposed by Musidor, the record company of the Rolling Stones frontman, on [...]

2024-07-10T22:23:23+00:0010 July 2024|

Indonesia – The brand is “fashion”

The Indonesian Ministry of Industry requires importers of textiles, bags and footwear to submit copies of registration certificates in Indonesia when applying for an import authorization. This means that the Certificate of Registration must be [...]

2024-03-22T10:11:07+00:0022 March 2024|